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Supplier Code of Conduct Policy

Sims Engineering Systems is aware of its corporate responsibility towards people, communities and the environment and is committed to ensuring everything we do is ethical and lawful, and that we work in a socially and environmentally sustainable way. The conduct of our supplier network is part of our organisational conduct policy and is governed by our business integrity policy and our company ethics standards.

The code of conduct is not limited by jurisdiction or region but not superseding any regulations or laws that might be in effect within these regions. Sims Engineering Systems expects its suppliers to apply this code of conduct to their businesses and enact similar policies to their own network.

Our standards derive from the UN Global Compact which seek to achieve supply chain sustainability through: ‘the management of environmental, social and economic impacts, and the encouragement of good governance practices, throughout the lifecycles of goods and services’.

Standard Business Practices

Suppliers will at all times conduct their business with integrity and in compliance with any and all agreements of the company.

Human Rights

Our suppliers should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights. These include the right to life, liberty and security; equal rights of men and women; the right to protection under the law and against discrimination, slavery, servitude, torture, or inhumane or degrading treatment; and freedom of speech, thought, conscience and religion. All workers must be treated with dignity and respect. We expect all suppliers to ensure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.

Anti-Corruption & Bribery

Our suppliers must take measures to avoid corruption in all its forms.

Our suppliers must never offer, give or receive bribes or make or accept improper payments to obtain new business, retain existing business, or secure any improper advantage and never use or permit others to do so. This includes any type of facilitation payment, large or small, even where such payments are perceived as a common part of local business practice or acceptable under local law.

Our suppliers must not participate in or assist any form of tax evasion.

Our suppliers must comply with all applicable anti bribery and corruption laws – if they are to a lesser standard than the Bribery Act 2010, we also expect adherence to that Act.

Suppliers must have in place and implement anti-corruption and bribery procedures to prevent employees or any persons associated with its business from committing offences of bribery or corruption.

Employment & Labour

Our suppliers must not make any use of forced, bonded or compulsory labour. Sims Engineering Systems does not support the use of child labour in any circumstance.

Our suppliers must comply with minimum working age regulations and at no time be party to child labour practices or exploitive child labour practices.

Suppliers must not discriminate in hiring and employing workers on the basis of race, caste, birth, social or ethnic origin, religion, nationality, age, gender, gender identity or expression, material status, sexual origination, disability, maternity, union membership or political affiliation.

Suppliers must train their employees to be sensitive to ethical considerations and to consider the effect of their actions on their own business, its reputation and business and public relationships.

Suppliers must comply with the respective national laws and regulations regarding working hours, wages and benefits. Employees should give their informed, freely given consent to any deductions (which must be lawful).

Suppliers are expected to maintain good quality standards of occupational health and safety.

Suppliers must provide their employees with a safe and healthy workplace in order to prevent accidents, injuries and work-related illnesses.


Our suppliers must comply with all applicable environmental laws, regulations and standards and will implement an effective system to identify and eliminate potential hazards to the environment.

Suppliers should be prepared for any disruption to their business (such as natural disasters, terrorism, software viruses, illness, pandemics and infectious diseases). This preparedness should include disaster plans to protect employees and the environment as far as possible from the effects of possible disasters which may arise.

Keith Sims
Managing Director
May 2022

Supplier Code of Conduct Policy

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